Is it harder than a crossword?
Find out!
My new word game WordsBlock is underway. Is it more difficult than a crossword puzzle?
Koi Puzzle has been released on Google Play.
Simple Shape Puzzle is now in the Play Store and the App Store!
It will be available for Android and iOS.
JustBackgammon ( Android app for just playing backgammon has been released. No sharing, no chips, no logging in!
Instead of having multiple pages each has one page with a drop down to choose the type of thing you want to generate.
The typos I found have been fixed.
If you use the pages frequently they should be more responsive.
More samples have been added see lines samples.
Also, X11 colors are now supported.
The site now has Lined, Graph, and Pattern PDF Generators for your calligraphy and writing enjoyment. Turn the back of scrap paper into something useful or create some colorful lined stationery from some nice paper.